Mit coolen Beiträgen wie diesen High Heel Zitaten (
“Not diamond but heels are a girl’s best friend.”
- William Rossi -
“I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him alot.”
- Marilyn Monroe -
“Nothing has been invented yet that will do a better job than high heels at making a good pair of legs look great, or great ones look fabulous.”
- shoe designer Stuart Weitzman -
“Yeah, but I do it backwards and in heels!”
- Ginger Rogers -
“I like to literally put women on a pedestal.”
- British clothing designer Vivienne Westwood, who designed some magnificent high heel shoes and boots -
“How tall am I? Honey, with hair, heels and attitude I’m through this damned roof.”
- drag queen RuPaul -
“According to Harper’s Index, the average increase in the protrusion of a woman’s buttocks when she wears high heels is 25%.”
“Did you know that some men, often sophisticated and wealthy, find it delightful to drink alcohol out of a woman’s high heel pump?”
“Upon wearing high heels for the first time, the girl noticed bald spots on top of men’s heads.”
legs and high heels“Yo mama so fat she went on a date with high heels and came back with sandals!”
- another Yo Mama joke -
“Why don’t artists paint while wearing $500- designer high heels?”
“MOVIE TRIVIA: In which of the following movies was there a huge pair of high heel shoes?”
a) Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
b) Leaving Las Vegas (1995)
c) Naked Gun 2 1/2 (1991)
d) 2 Days in the Valley (1996)